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Guest Opinion

Christy Cheever is a reason to vote in Solebury


It’s not so easy to find citizens willing to devote the time and expense needed to run for local offices so Solebury Township is fortunate to have among its citizens Christy Cheever, a highly qualified candidate for supervisor. A biologist, biophysicist, lawyer and advocate for Solebury’s environment (as vice-chair of Solebury’s Environmental Advisory Council), she is also a parent seeking office to keep our community a safe and healthy place for her three young children.

Those attributes plus her commitment to transparent government, ensuring the continuation of Solebury’s healthy fiscal standing, and defending challenges to our environment should be enough to get you out of your chair to vote.

But, sadly, if we look at recent off-year elections, it might not be enough.

In Solebury Township in the last off-year election only about 37% of registered voters participated (average of all the political parties). So just a little more than 1/3 of voters determined our current local government. You might feel that it is O.K. to “leave it up to the 1/3.” But sometimes it is not up to the 1/3, but rather to less than a handful of voters.

In the not-too-distant past (2009) a candidate for Solebury supervisor lost by only two votes. It could happen again.

The ongoing political dysfunction in Washington may make you feel apathetic and lure you into sitting out elections, especially in off years like this year. But the new reality is that there are no off years. Especially in the case of selecting a township supervisor, someone who will participate in the legal and executive functions of our local government — determining the services that best meet our needs, enacting ordinances, adopting budgets, and levying taxes.

So Solebury voters: Do you want to continue electing a fiscally responsible board that keeps Solebury’s total millage rates one of the lowest in Bucks County? Do you want a board that prioritizes open space and thoughtful development? Do you value safety and health of the community over the encroachment of developers and environmental polluters?

Christy Cheever does, and if you do, too, please make the effort to mail in your ballot or go in person to the polls to support Christy’s candidacy on Nov. 7. To find out more about her, visit

Eric Allen and Nancy Stock-Allen live in the Carversville section of Solebury Township.

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