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Children’s museum, United Way provide educational materials to youth


The doors to the Bucks County Children’s Museum may be temporarily closed due COVID-19, but the organization is finding ways to continue to serve young learners in the community.

In July, the museum partnered with United Way of Bucks County to create PECO S.T.E.A.M. Kits for Kids. This initiative provided 1,000 kits filled with essential educational materials and a family activity guide to underserved children throughout Bucks County. The kits were assembled by museum staff and distributed by United Way through its partner preschool programs and Member Agencies countywide.

“This project has been a boost of positivity during challenging times,” said museum Executive Director Kelly Krumenacker. “We are so grateful to all involved in supporting this effort which placed valuable educational tools directly into the hands of children.”

The project was supported by a grant from PECO and donations from Weis Markets, Busy Bee Toys and Books in Homes USA.

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