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Charles Meredith: An email, a response


Dear Friends,

Good morning. In a moment, I’ll salute the Village Improvement Association (VIA) and its ownership of the Doylestown Hospital, America’s only women’s club to own a hospital (I think). That will lead me to a few humorous typos that my Quakertown Free Press experience taught me years ago.

But first … Stephen Hanover is a local resident and a President Trump supporter. He knows that I am not. Here’s his email:

“Dear Charles, There’s nothing particularly clever (April 23) in the ‘tidbit’ you offer from Jim Greenwood [our former Republican Congressman]. Ridiculing President Trump has developed into a competitive sport by seeing who can be the most juvenile in its pursuit.

“I know you fashion yourself as anything but typical but that is what this ‘Never Trump’ material represents. DJT (Trump) certainly warrants criticism but if you don’t acknowledge the good decisions he’s made you’ve become ‘typical.’

“Also, I’m wondering if you’ve looked into the reason New York was hit so hard and found themselves thoroughly unprepared? Yes, it was none other than the man you cite as being the person ‘who’d performed much better than President Trump,’ one Andrew Cuomo who has come, hat in hand, to ask the president for help. And our gracious leader has done so without spite, something I doubt would be reciprocated.”

Stephen Hanover’s email got me thinking. I was unable to list one thing about which I could praise President Trump. Fortunately, my classmate and best man at Mighty Betsy’s and my wedding provided a clue. Clinton Reichard is a former veterinarian and Rotary District Governor. Clint is a very bright fellow who is a big Trump supporter.

So is our fellow classmate from South Carolina, Dana Sinkler. Ditto for one of my favorite friends in my old Army unit. But I stray. Here’s what Dr. Clinton Reichard sent regarding my search for positive things to say about the president.

The email has a picture of actor Clint Eastwood with this heading: “The Problem is not guns; it’s hearts without God; Homes without discipline; Schools without prayer and Courtrooms without justice.” Here is Eastwood’s message:

“People message me why I stick my neck out for Trump? Why do I tarnish my reputation with a man that’s hated by so many? I don’t care how much the media twists what he says. I don’t care how bad he looks. I don’t care about his sex life. I don’t even care that his language skills are not academic.

“I only look at what he does and what his policies accomplish. I see a booming economy. [Really? says I] I see low unemployment rates. [Really? says I] I see African Americans back at work. [Really!] I see American companies that had fled overseas returning home. I see the oldest president staying up till 3 a.m. in a suit on Air Force One waiting to get our prisoners returning from Korea. I see China paying attention to him and returning to the negotiation table.

“I see him strengthening Israel, standing by Netanyahu, recognizing Jerusalem. I see him freeing Iran from a devastating regime. I see him tough on terrorism. I see a man who’s delivering on every promise he made, not just talking to get votes.

“I see a lover of America. One who defends his men in uniform, stronger than anyone I’ve ever seen. One who is proud of his flag, without feeling sorry, without excuses. I see an American hero. I love hm as our president. No one is without fault. We hired a man to do a job. He has surpassed my expectations in record time, single handedly fighting the establishment.

And he’s doing it for free. … Stop listening to talking heads. Look at policies. I’m proud to support Trump!”

Holy Smokes! What utter nonsense. If you believe any of this, there’s a bridge over the East River to Brooklyn that’s for sale.

My “Bravas” about the VIA will have to wait until next week. The VIA celebrated its 125th birthday last week. The VIA is a tremendous success story.

Sincerely, Charles Meredith

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