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Letters to the Herald

Central Bucks teachers should stick with the three R’s


The recent teacher protest claims “discrimination and bigotry” regarding Policy 321, which addresses LGBTQ issues in the classroom. One event cited was the removal of the Pride flags from classrooms. So the logical question that should be asked is whether other political or unique minority groups should also be allowed to display flags in the classroom, representing their beliefs or causes, so as not to be discriminatory?

They also claim the policy is intended to make these students “invisible.” But isn’t that a goal of the oft-used mantra of “equality and inclusion,” whereby all different groups of people can blend equally with all others into a harmonious and diverse population?

Also, what about the rights of parents and students that might not approve of certain controversial or debatable “advocacy activities” that parents or administrators might validly believe don’t belong in the classroom?

Let’s stick with the 3-R’s, a neglected area where we continue to fall farther behind because of these noneducational distractions.

William Alford, Perkasie

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