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Bulge in Durham Grist Mill’s stone wall is benign, experts say


A bulge in the 200-year-old stone wall of the Durham Grist Mill has been determined to be “purely cosmetic,” according to Danielle Cox, township administrator.

After David Oleksa, president of the Durham Historical Society, told the township supervisors at their May meeting that a bulge had been detected in the wall and was concerned it could collapse, they acted quickly.

They sent engineer Tyler Freed of Mease Engineerng to assess any danger. He, in turn asked a structural engineer and a couple of masons to check out the wall. All confirmed the defect was not a danger.

The judgment was a happy one for both the township and the society which have invested a considerable amount of money and volunteer hours on improving the mill and planning for future activities.

The supervisors approved one of those activities, a new three-part summer program at the iconic mill.

“Storytime at Durham Gristmill” will take place on three Wednesdays, June 19, July 10 and Aug. 14 at 10:30 a.m. It is part of the children’s program at the Riegelsville Public Library. Children up to 5 years old will explore the cultures, animals, stories and traditions of the seven continents, do age-appropriate science experiments and learn about art and music. Older children may also attend.

Parents may contact the library at 610-749-2357 for further information.

The supervisors also granted permission to the Palisades Area Girls Softball League to use the township-owned Durham Ballfield.

The Durham Environmental Advisory Council will sponsor a hike at the Fuller Preserve’s Jere Knight Nature Trail on June 8 beginning at 8 a.m. The preserve is on Slifer Valley Road in Springfield.

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