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Fitzpatrick again tops list of Congress’ most bipartisan members


For the fifth year in a row, U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-1, has been ranked the most bipartisan member of Congress by the Lugar Center and Georgetown University’s McCourt School.

The Lugar Center and Georgetown University Bipartisan Index measures how often a member of Congress introduces bills that succeed in attracting cosponsors from members of the other party, and how often they, in turn, cosponsor a bill introduced from across the aisle.

In a statement, Fitzpatrick said he was honored by the recognition.

“Hyper-partisanship is the single biggest threat facing our nation,” he said. “Bipartisanship is the only remedy that will save and heal our nation. Which of these paths one chooses determines whether they desire to be part of the problem or part of the solution.”

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