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The Poet's Corner

Blessing -after James Wright


A red roan Appaloosa moseys to the rail

and pokes her nose across at me to snuff

some sweet hay in my fist, switching her tail

as her eyes cross to focus on the stuff

the better in the dim air. Stars are out,

a few at least, and, too, the orange moon

has cleared the trees. It shines here on her snout

as she draws up her lip. The ground is strewn

with clumps of hay placed for the eating. She

prefers instead to nuzzle at my hand

as if these tufts pertained to mystery,

as she to me pertains, stunned where I stand

unclenching all, here, now, only to live

for giving her what isn’t mine to give.

From A Tree and Gone, ©2021 Terence Culleton, Future Cycle Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission of the author. Available for purchase at:

Poet’s Corner is curated by Bucks County Poet Laureate Tom Mallouk and supported by a grant to the Bucks County Herald Foundation made possible by Marv and Dee Ann Woodall.

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