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What does LWV do?


In last week’s League of Women Voters piece in the Herald, we introduced you to the League of Women Voters (LWV). This week, we expand on telling you about the League, by Introducing you to some of the actions we take to ‘empower voters and defend democracy.’ In addition, to encouraging you to join us, we outline some of the ways you can help support democracy.
The LWV is best known for its election-related activities, which includes (1) assisting citizens to register to vote, (2) creating and disseminating candidate information and conducting candidate forums, to help citizens select the candidates that best represent them, and (3) explaining ballot questions and the roles of each elected position.
The second and third activities are facilitated by the creation of a printed Voters Guide, published by the Bucks County Herald, and an online platform ( that provides the information needed to select the best candidates for office and to make appropriate decisions about ballot questions. These two sources of information are readily available, so there is no need to vote mindlessly or to fail to vote, due to lack of knowledge.
In addition to these election-related activities, the LWV works to educate voters about issues of importance ranging from representative government to social policy and the environment. It also advocates and sometimes litigates on policies and issues related to strengthening our democracy. They do this after careful research and study, leading to positions reached by consensus among all its members.

Members can serve the goals of the LWV in many ways, including research, writing and editing, organizing forums, making presentations, website and social media management, creation of graphics and video, fundraising, member recruitment, and voter registration. By joining us and working in one or more of these ways, you will feel good about defending democracy, meet some remarkable people, and gain useful skills.
The LWV of Bucks County is the second largest local league in the state. Joining the LWV of Bucks County will automatically enroll you at the state and national level.

To talk about membership, call 215-230-9986. To join, go to

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