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Washington Crossing Park legislation passes in House


The state Rep. Wendi Thomas (R-Bucks) sponsored House Bill 1823, transferring the powers, duties, and functions of Washington Crossing Historic Park to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
“For years Washington Crossing State Park and its facilities were under the control of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission,” Thomas said. “In 2015, with the help of then State Rep. Scott Petri the responsibilities were transferred to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Since that time, there has been a wonderful partnership between DCNR and the Friends of Washington Crossing Park. This will be now permanently codify DCNR’s responsibilities.”

Under House Bill 1823, all the powers, duties, functions, funds, assets, books, records and any other documents, as well as real and personal property of the commission associated with the operation of Washington Crossing will be transferred to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
In addition, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources would operate the Washington Crossing visitor center and adjoining buildings.

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