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Letters to the Herald

Two Cs get the job done


Sept. 17 is Constitution Day, a day when we celebrate our Constitution.
The Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights and amendments, established our form of government as well as our rights, responsibilities and freedoms as citizens.
Despite regional differences among a number of participants, 55 Founding Fathers, negotiated from May 25 to Sept. 17, 1787, and crafted this all important document.

James Madison said two Cs were essential in getting that job done and for good government after. Madison’s Cs were lots of conversation and lots of compromise.
Madison, late in life, disputed being recognized as the Father of the Constitution. He had submitted more than 100 suggestions for inclusion but since little of his input was included in the final, signed document, he said he was more the attending physician at the Constitution’s birth. Constitution Day should be a designated Federal Holiday.
Michael Frank, Doylestown

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