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Letters to the Herald

The school board is able to address public concerns about content


Many in the community have voiced a range of emotions from concern to outrage over the recent decisions the Central Bucks School Board has made regarding library book policy. In short, the board has created an environment that many see as censorship in school libraries by the removal of books that are deemed too extreme or subversive to students. As abhorrent as the thought of this is (and to be the first district in Pennsylvania to do this is even more shameful), a bigger issue in my view is the total abdication of responsibility the board has pursued in the policy they have adopted.

The charter of the school board gives them broad powers to review the operation of the schools including materials used and curriculum. They also have mechanisms to solicit public input. Yet, they have decided on this controversial issue, to “outsource” decisions on the appropriateness of books in libraries to some yet to be determined committee of people – the charter and makeup of which is indeterminate.

Why do we need to have another hearing board when the school board is able to address any and all concerns from the public about content? Additionally, the board is squandering resources on such frivolous policy as they should know that it will invite significant and expensive legal challenges.

Congratulations to the three members who voted against this terrible policy. It is horrible in its intent and shameful in its dereliction of duty.

Residents should be careful with upcoming votes for board members and make sure their vote goes to not only open minded leaders but those who have the courage and fortitude to do the job to which they are elected.

Doug Black, Furlong

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