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Spiritual community Circle of Miracles offers program for children


Circle of Miracles, a nondenominational spiritual community in the heart of New Britain, is introducing a new children’s program called: “Magical Exploration for Children,” a unique and fun opportunity for children to meet other children interested in exploring and sharing mindfulness, intuitive and metaphysical topics, starting in January.
This interactive program will be a combination of Zoom and in person sessions and will be limited to a small class size. The Sunday afternoon gatherings are intended for children ages 8 to 11.
The foundation of the program will be self-awareness, self-love and trusting our inner voice. The first series of classes in January will introduce Mindfulness Activities, Energy Tools, Tapping Exercises, Crystals and Breathing Meditations.

Parents are invited to a Zoom gathering, to learn more at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 15, to meet the teachers, discuss the program and ask questions. Additional details can be found at
For information, contact: Annette Kroninger, or Lynda Sands,

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