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Shop local this Small Business Saturday


U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman encouraged Americans to Shop Small on Small Business Saturday, Nov. 27, in support of their local businesses and Main Street economies.
“This Small Business Saturday, let’s celebrate the contributions of small businesses to our communities by supporting small in all the ways that we can,” said Guzman.
Celebrated each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday allows consumers to make an impact in their neighborhoods by supporting local small businesses from nearly every sector – from manufacturing to e-commerce, to Mom-and-Pop shops on Main Street. The day is designed to support local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy, and enliven neighborhoods around the country.

Since 2010, Small Business Saturday has been an annual celebration of America’s small business community. Last year, the total reported projected spending among U.S. consumers who shopped at independent retailers and restaurants on Small Business Saturday reached an estimated $19.8 billion.
Today, there are over 32.5 million small businesses in the United States. About half of all-American workers are either employed by a small business or own a small business, and two out of three net new jobs are created by small businesses. To learn more about Small Business Saturday, visit

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