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Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church slates Choral Evensong service


Choral Evensong in celebration of Pentecost will be presented at Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, York and Main streets, Lambertville, N.J., at 4 p.m. Sunday.

Evensong services at Saint Andrew’s are similar to those presented at major Anglican English churches, such as Westminster Abbey and Saint Paul’s in London, and Kings College Chapel, Cambridge.

On June 4, the choir of Saint Andrew’s will present music of British and Canadian composers—Preces and Responses from the Cathedral at Durham, the “Magnificat” and “Nunc Dimittis in B-flat” by 19th century Anglo-Irish composer Charles Villiers Stanford, and an anthem “O Lord, Our Governor” composed in 1953 for Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation by the Canadian Healey Willan. The choir is directed by Michael T. Kevane, the church’s organist and choirmaster.

All are welcome. Parking is on the street. For information, call 609-397-2425, or visit

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