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Letters to the Herald

Pennridge program prepares for adulthood


Education must prepare children for adulthood, and “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” curriculum advances this goal. Pennridge “strives to provide all students with a well-rounded educational experience where they acquire the 21st-century skills necessary for a successful future” (Mission Statement).
“Diversity” means the spectrum of differences that make us unique; including gender, ability, age, religion, socioeconomic class, national origin and more. Communities and workplaces are more diverse now than in the past, so we must prepare our children to be productive participants.
Major employers are communicating that it is vital for employees to work successfully with people of diverse identities. DEI curriculum will teach our children a balanced representation of our great country. It will give them insight that will help them become attractive employees, successful entrepreneurs, and well-rounded adults.

DEI increases student participation, confidence, academic achievement, critical thinking and graduation rates for diverse identities.
Mary Martin, Perkasie

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