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Newtown Quaker Meeting to discuss “Urgent Call to Action”


The Peace and Justice Committee of Newtown Quaker Meeting will present to the adult class a program on “An Urgent Call to the Religious Society of Friends,” at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 25. All are welcome.

The Call to Action was authored by an ad hoc group of 19 Quakers from across the country, more than half of whom are from the Philadelphia area. In the Call to Action, they cite forces they see at work in the country that are undermining some basic values: equality of all people, truth-telling, and deep listening. Visit

On Sept. 25, both in person at the Meetinghouse, 219 Court St., Newtown, and on Zoom, small groups will discuss possible actions that individuals and the Quaker Meeting as a whole may feel called to take in the coming weeks in the four areas suggested by the Call: Defending Truth; Working for True Equality and Justice for All; Promoting Free and Fair Elections; and Preparing for Nonviolent Resistance.

Newtown Friends Meeting is open to all who wish to attend. Regular First Day Education classes (Sunday School) for all ages begin at 9:45 a.m. and Meeting for Worship begins at 11 a.m. Childcare is provided.

Visit for information.

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