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New Year 1922


Doylestown celebrated the entry of 1922 with the 15th Annual New Year’s Ball, held at the Doylestown Armory on “Monday Eve, January 2d,” according to the Intelligencer.
Entertainment was provided by a “7-Piece ‘Phila. Novelty Orchestra’ Featuring 2 Musical Comedy Acts by Andrews & Gardner, Just recently playing in Philadelphia Vaudeville.”
Ticket prices were “Ladies, 55c; Balcony, 35c; Gentlemen, 75c.” For the event, Doylestonians dressed up in their finery. Twenties fashion had left behind the prim and proper mold of Victorian ideals and launched into more free-spirited and casual clothes.

Although often remembered for glitz and glamour, the trend was toward simple lines in dress. For women, this meant shorter skirts and form-fitting shapes while men enjoyed casual suits, as shown in this illustration.

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