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Letters to the Herald

Multi-state program has already reduced carbon emissions


We have all witnessed the effects of a changing climate causing an increase in the frequency, intensity and scope of floods, fires, and droughts. Since carbon pollution is the main driver of these events, it is imperative that carbon pollution is rapidly reduced.
This fact makes joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) so important. This bipartisan, multi-state program has already reduced power plant carbon emissions from the 11 states participating in RGGI. Unfortunately, our state Senate voted to block Pennsylvania’s ability to join RGGI through Senate Bill 119 even though the evidence clearly demonstrates the program’s positive effects.
Reduction in carbon pollution will not only limit catastrophic weather events but also save lives and improve overall health. The Department of Environmental Protection estimates that Pennsylvania’s carbon pollution will be cut by 21% or 180 million tons from 2022 to 2030 if participation in RGGI moves forward – the equivalent of taking more than 4 million cars off the road.

The resulting health benefits will include fewer heat related deaths, fewer cases of bronchitis and asthma attacks, reduction in insect related illness, and improved cardiovascular health. It is expected to generate $6.3 billion in health care savings and 30,000 fewer hospital visits for respiratory illnesses among children and adults.
The State House will soon be voting on Senate Bill 119. Please urge your state representative to vote NO on this bill and to support Pennsylvania’s joining RGGI. The health and well-being of our communities depend on it.
Dave Porigow, Perkasie

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