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Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU “Highway Crew” cleans up


A group of 12 Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU employees took to the roadway on a recent Saturday and bagged 30 trash bags along County Line Road for the Credit Union’s Adopt-A-Highway cleanup walk. This is the 11th year that MSDFCU employees have cleaned this two-mile stretch of highway. From left are: Gabe Mejias, Dell Kramer, Melissa Albright, Jeanne Peters, Wendy Spachman, Jeanne Zadlo, Sara Conover, Linda Gerhart, Kaitlyn Stauff, Alena Maliszewski and Dave Shannen. Ken Hilbert is not pictured. Two young helpers, Cristian Mejias and Aidan Mejias, also joined in. Based in Chalfont, Merck Sharp & Dohme FCU is a nonprofit financial institution. Learn more at

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