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Thoughts from an Epicure: Salt and pepper on the table


Growing up, every place I ate, there were salt and pepper shakers on the table. And, the first thing most adults did was add salt, in many cases lots of it. The pepper shakers were hardly ever used.
I never could understand this, and still don’t. In nearly every cookbook, the author says, “Add salt and pepper.” Why? If the food has been prepared properly, you don’t always need them.
I’m aware that the human body needs salt. I understand it’s necessary to regulate our fluid balance. However, salt already is in many food products, especially processed ones. Unless you pay attention, you easily can consume too much.
When I began cooking, adding salt to everything was one thing I did not do, regardless of the recipe. By adding herbs and garlic, fresh or dried, the meals I’ve served our guests never required extra salt.
I always have had a pepper mill and a salt cellar on the table, which hardly ever get used. If people go for the salt, I always suggest they taste the food first. Then, they usually decide they don’t need extra salt.
Recently, I made vegetable beef soup. As always, my base was my homemade chicken stock. As readers of this column know, I don’t add anything to the stock pot except chicken bones, skin, fat, leftover pieces like wing tips, and water.

When I was ready to make the soup, I realized I wanted more stock. So, I used a commercial one with low sodium. When the soup was finished and cooled, I tasted it. To my surprise, it was one of the best I’ve made.
The only thing different was the addition of the low sodium commercial stock, which led me to admit that a little salt in the finished product sometimes can improve the end result.
Enjoy and stay safe.
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