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Kin Wellness and Support center builds labyrinth


Kin Wellness and Support Center, a nonprofit that provides free services to cancer patients, their caregivers and local oncology health care workers across Bucks County, has installed a new four-circuit labyrinth at its center in Buckingham Township, 2325 Heritage Center Drive, Building 113, Furlong.

The Kin Labyrinth was created to give the local cancer community an opportunity to take solo, group and facilitated walks to reduce stress and anxiety and promote overall well-being.

Kin director, Kristina Fenimore, has already built a robust roster of programming at Kin and the Kin Labyrinth is an extension of the center’s offerings.

“Kin’s mission is to positively impact the social, mental and physical aspects of our guests. Labyrinths, which date back 5,000 years and span the globe, fit nicely in supporting that mission,” Fenimore said. “I am creating programming around the Kin Labyrinth, and will have meditative walking sessions and events on our calendar for all our Kin guests. I am happy to extend an invitation to the entire Bucks County community and beyond and welcome them to utilize and enjoy our labyrinth when they desire.”

Kin instructor and labyrinth facilitator Marlene Rosenblum said, “I have grown to love everything about the labyrinth and so enjoy sharing my passion as a labyrinth walk facilitator. Walking the path with others is very special, because the energy shared allows for a feeling of unity and acceptance regardless of our personal differences. We are each on our own path, hopefully finding peace on the path and an opportunity to share a little kindness.

“This labyrinth fits in so well with Kin’s mission to support our cancer community in a holistic approach.  I look forward to facilitating walks and supporting Kin’s guests on this beautiful community labyrinth.”

The Kin Labyrinth was built through a grant secured for Kin by U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick. Indigenous Ingenuities was hired to design and construct the labyrinth and the gardens. The labyrinth is wheelchair and walker accessible with wider pathways and a unique surface which allows wheelchairs to roll with ease. The four-circuit model was previously used at St. Paul’s Cathedral, and was chosen given the space provided to house the labyrinth.

Kin plans to host many events at the labyrinth, with the first set for the next full moon on Friday, June 21.

Locally, there is another labyrinth located next to the Michener Art Museum in Doylestown Borough.

For more information about Kin, visit

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