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Letters to the Herald

Higher prices may not be a temporary state


The current status of inflation in the United States is loudly and repeatedly proclaimed by media on the right, the center, and the left as an existential threat to life as we know it.
The folks on the right blame Biden, those on the left blame circumstances, and the center blames both. Joe Manchin and Republicans insist that spending on child care and health care will increase inflation. Democrats insist that Build Back Better will decrease some of the causes of the current inflation.
Meanwhile, a majority of Americans feel that business executives take more than their share, as they simply increase prices to keep their share at the same high level. And when the pressure of limited supply eases, the expectation is that they will drop prices, right?

CEOs understand that after consumers are forced to pay more, they will accept these increases, and there will be no compelling reason for their business to lower prices. The increased prices consumers are forced to pay for turkey, milk, gas, and cars will assure that the CEOs are not adversely affected by the current economy, and that they can furthermore set themselves up to profit handsomely when their supply costs go back down.
Inflation is only inevitable when the recipients of the golden consumer eggs start acting like they have a patriotic duty to do their share to help keep their customers’ heads above water.
Joe Sundeen, Lower Makefield

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