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Doylestown Borough studies trail expansion


Doylestown Borough recently announced a study to consider extending the bike and hike trail along the Route 202 corridor.
The 2.8-mile section would run between the borough and Buckingham Township, offering walkers and cyclists more access along the 202 Parkway trail system, while also adding to Doylestown’s more than 30-mile hike and bike network, officials said.
“For several years, Bucks County, the Circuit Coalition and other stakeholders have been discussing the concept of a trail facility along the Route 202 corridor between Doylestown and New Hope, said a statement announcing the study.

“This route was part of the original Doylestown Community Bike and Hike plan envisioned over 25 years ago and is aimed at connecting residential neighborhoods to the major places of employment in Central Bucks, including Doylestown Hospital, Central Bucks School District and the County of Bucks governmental offices,” said the statement.
As development continues in the area, the announcement noted that the longer trail, if approved, will benefit the Tabor project on New Britain Road the Callan Tract on Easton Road, the new Wawa on South Main Street and the trail near Steeplechase Drive.

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