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Celebrate Henry Mercer’s 166th birthday in Doylestown


The Village Improvement Association of Doylestown will host a celebration in honor of Henry Chapman Mercer’s 166th birthday from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 18 at the James-Lorah Memorial Home.

With the participation of the Civil War Museum, local Girl Scouts and a talented young actor from Doyle Elementary School, guests will meet Mercer at three different stages in his life.

Mercer will be joined by family members including his parents, siblings, his paternal grandfather, Judge Henry Chapman and his step-grandmother. Even his aunts Lela and Fanny will return from one of their European adventures for the day.

The family-friendly living history tour will conclude with a trivia contest.

Ticket cost is $10 per person, $15 if paid by check. Call 215-348-2187 or email to reserve a ticket.

The event will take place at 132 N. Main St, Doylestown.


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