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Chatterbox: Trying to stitch in time


As usual, there are so many things that need addressing.
America is in a tense spot, quite possibly the most difficult and divided place we’ve been in since the Civil War. Civil Rights created a huge chasm in this country as did Vietnam. We’ve talked about issues that divided us before, but among the many great separations Americans have survived, here and now, America faces a condition that is unique. Today, we stand on the brink of the veritable death of our democracy.
We note that, in the past, our leadership across the board had one thing that our leadership today does not. Until now, our leaders understood that, despite what profited them or their career, they wouldn’t have a career left if they didn’t do their job. That meant showing not just their own unconditional supporters but the nation’s people as a whole that they were working for the progress of the nation and, more importantly, our solidarity. Those keep America independent and on the map.
Many fairly elected leaders around the world, and America’s are not exceptions, have served with personal gain at the top of their list, but it was done with discretion and it was minimal, especially as compared to today. They understood that they had to bend to the effort of getting things accomplished and make compromises that served the good of all.
Like today, elected officials always had a small number of die-hard supporters who would stick no matter what, and representatives did their best to represent them. However, they understood that, despite everything, they had to serve the nation at large first and preferred to not have their colleagues bristling at even a hint of risk to America’s progress and strength in unity.
They wouldn’t have dream of the brand of stagnation, defiance, or the sabotaging of progress until one party could get what they wanted that has come of age in the last dozen years or so. It just wasn’t an option. It existed as a tactic, but was used as a measure of drama and kept to a minimum. Our new and unique critical issue is that, now, we find the wheel of progress being actually halted – often and in many ways – with many officials willing for it to remain so until they do get the deal they want. Decorum, discretion and compromise have left the building, taking much of America’s progress and strength with them.

When the wisdom of compromise and its pursuit are slowed or ended in a democracy, the democracy itself is endangered. For our nation’s safety, it’s past time to get the lead out. Those who put the lead in our leadership risk everything they’re supposed to achieve, and that not only endangers America on its own soil but as a world power as well. The longer even one official remains implacable, burying negotiations in pursuance of a personal win, the thinner the ice America’s skates on.
The slacking of America’s long-time, solidly seated, uncompromising members of Congress risks the very sovereignty of our nation. They ignore the danger because they’re confident about being reelected by that narrow margin of their unyielding constituency, but implacability isn’t going to solve American’s issues. Rather, it will stall America until we are ripe for the picking by a foreign power or a dictator in party clothing raising a defiant arm to instigate a throng. History proves this is how it happens. Those who seek moderation must fight fire with fire, compromising themselves and all progress in the Catch-22.
We’re navigating some very dangerous waters right now. Few of us approve any outcome that impedes America’s progress or doesn’t serve to balance the quality of life for our people. Still, the few who prosper from such injustices are delighted. Watch them. They are easy to identify. They are those who use their power to halt any agenda but theirs, while preaching that those who seek compromise are our enemies … the ancient method of divide and conquer.
Compromise is the only way to prevent the impending wreck. Our recent history clearly demonstrates that this overt defiance is eradicating all America has built at great sacrifice, impeding her progress, and endangering her ability to grow as a balanced and prosperous nation.
The job of our elected officials is to carry out our will. Our job is to make sure they do their job.
It’s time to rein them in.

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