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Camille Granito Mancuso: Chatterbox

The real big picture


America is a great country for those of her people who are in a good place. For many, America is still a great country, just not particularly for them.
Just as we have so much in this country to be grateful for and enjoy, there are many things that one can only see and wonder, “What in the world is that about?” It’s often hard to find what Americans need fixed as we are unreasonably busy, with less to show for it than many other countries. Yet, we rage against things that don’t merit that attention while ignoring too many, more vital issues.
We should be concerned, for example, about the rate of suicide in America. Suicide has been recorded even for children under 10. We’ve got domestic violence issues that are out in the open more, yet serviced less than they need to be. Why doesn’t that incite us? Those issues most often are violence against women, wives and romantic interests, but they often involve children, too, some who end up as statistics. We have children as young as kindergartners arrested, literally, some handcuffed, in school. Can we get incensed about that? The frustration level and discontentment that seems to boil over at the weirdest moments and for the most illogical reasons may be that so many people are just generally unhappy, but our energy needs to be invested in the issues that are vital.
In addition to the human conditions which are being fostered by a nation on the brink of massive crisis, is the fact that our leadership (a topic so critical to absolutely everything that we can’t avoid it) isn’t doing its job; that’s not news. It’s the responsibility of every American to make certain that our leaders do their job. If we don’t, they don’t have to. They can protect their wealth instead of our ability to earn a decent wage, and continue their upward mobility while we struggle or stagnate. Dividing us daily against one another, make us impotent and them, prosperous.
It’s easy to just let the real issues ride, hoping that something will happen, someone will do something, or somehow we’ll be saved, but bettering America and saving our planet isn’t going to come from the status quo or shaking the wrong tree.
The truths we are facing in America today aren’t pretty. We are being quietly conditioned to be rabid but while we are kept busy nipping at each other over some tempest in a teacup, those who need to be fulfilling their promises to America are fulfilling their greatest promises only to each other and themselves.

Our entertainment media, television, movies, video games, even some music are dominated by anger, aggression, assault, discrimination, hatred, misogyny, brutality, torture and a blatant disregard for life with no conscience. The villains are the heroes. The good guys are “snowflakes.” We are being groomed for dystopia, to live without compassion, and we’re being distracted, arguing with one another while the guilty parties fan the flames of our discontent so as to disregard our personal sacrifice. We need to address that.
We need to be tearing down the protective, self-serving barriers that create that safe haven for the powerful, in charge and the wealthy. It’s certainly not all our leadership, but they are those being paid by us to work for the growth and productivity of America. We should be returning, yes, returning – to our place among world production, where we made and exported more than just media stars, five-minute celebrities, and special effects blood and guts films.
Our governing leadership needs to be reeled in and have their feet held to the fire until they stop fostering and feeding the bickering among their constituents with purposeful misinformation, and reach across the aisle, past their own lifetime career and personal payoffs, and put the viability of the people back on the nation’s agenda.
The summary of what’s wrong with this country lies in: cunning misinformation; the impoverishment of our people; the absence of valuable nourishment in our food; the imbalance between what we import and what we manufacture and produce and let’s bear in mind we live in a nation where we have growing zones for everything all year long (unless we don’t get climate change under control soon); and the fact that many Americans are more concerned with removing mask mandates for a deadly virus than removing the deadly fallout of our own government’s corruption in leadership.
What is wrong with this picture? We all know.

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