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Bucks infrastructure damage nears $10 million


While there has been no formal determination yet of the financial cost to Bucks County’s infrastructure from the remains of Hurricane Ida, a preliminary estimate suggests it could reach $9.4 million, based on county data.
Infrastructure includes roads, bridges, public property such as parks and government structures. Three tornadoes touched down in Bucks, causing widespread destruction, while flash floods devastated countless homes, cars and communities. More than two dozen people were killed along the Eastern Seaboard.
While damage reports from Bucks County home and business owners continue to come into the county’s emergency management agency, officials said they had received 350 reports of damage from the agency’s online reporting system, as of last week. Sixty-four of them reported major damage.

As damage assessments continue for both public and private properties, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is also determining if Pennsylvania will qualify for federal aid programs and funds.

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