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Bucks County residents plan “Stop Wawa” protest


On Monday, June 20, at 6 p.m., there will be a Northampton Township Zoning Hearing Board Meeting (ZHB) at the Township Building at 55 Township Road in Richboro, to consider the zoning of the Wright Property in Holland where the future Wawa is to be built.

This is happening after the Bucks County Court of Common Pleas remanded the residents’ appeal back to the ZHB to classify Wawa as a conditional use instead of a by-right use where gas is incidental.

“At this hearing, Wawa will have to prove that their gas operation is ‘entirely incidental’ to the store, which they argue is the only primary use,” according to a spokesperson for the group of residents.

“Holland residents against this project plan to attend this meeting in large numbers and speak out against the proposal. At last year’s ZHB meeting, residents were prevented from speaking, which sparked a lot of anger from these folks. We fear this may happen again, and with the meeting being in person this time, residents could certainly make their anger towards the township be known,” the spokesperson said.

Immediately following the meeting, the residents plan to have a “Stop Wawa Potluck Protest” outside the township building to discuss why they are against the project, and share some food.

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