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Letters to the Herald

Bucks County needs reliable public transit


Reliable public transportation is essential for all communities. It helps reduce emissions, prevent heavy traffic congestion, and is beneficial for low-income earners that do not own a vehicle.

Pennsylvania is ranked 6th in the country regarding low rates of car access with 11% of households not owning a car.

Bucks County is one of the least-accessible counties when it comes to public transit. Upper Bucks County especially lacks public transit. In Lower Bucks County where there is some public transit, residents express concerns such as lack of access to Upper Bucks County, long wait times, and safety.

Investing in more public transportation in Bucks County is crucial for the environment and for equity. Without proper and reliable public transit, low-income individuals that do not own a vehicle could risk being late to work, which then decreases wages and continues the cycle of poverty.

As we can see, it is very important that Bucks County receives the same investments in public transit that other counties receive.

Lilianna Hagstrom, Philadelphia

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