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The Poet's Corner

Don’t Let the River Fool You


She will you know.

It begins early morning, as the sun

shines down her belly, blinding you

with her glaring beauty.

She is much more than divine.

And that’s the first trick.

She beckons with the sweet rish-rush

splashing of her waters,

over those ever-so-desirable

fifty shades of gray rocks. Don’t touch.

That marks trick two.

A loon floats past. This long, low slung

bird that dives with precision into rapidly

moving waters. She navigates the river

smoothly, with ease, so you feel safe.

And there marks trick three.

This river takes deep pleasure

in her deception. She slaps against

the tow path wall. Don’t dare believe

she’s just another pretty piece of nature,

she’s pure force of flowing fierceness.

You want to enter her, to challenge her.

She is a temptress. She dares you in fact.

Remember, her waters, even when calm,

are always profoundly deep.

Yesterday she breached the tow paths,

took out an aqueduct, destroyed River Road.

Published in The Bards of Eastern Pennsylvania, Spring 2023

Julie Standig has been published in Alehouse Press, Sadie Girl Press, After Happy Hour Review, Schuylkill Journal Review, US1 Poets/Del Val, Gyroscope Review as well as online journals. Her full collection, The Forsaken Little Black Book, by Kelsay Books, was released October 2022. And she is not done yet.

Poet’s Corner is curated by Bucks County Poet Laureate Emeritus Tom Mallouk and supported by a grant to the Bucks County Herald Foundation made possible by Marv and Dee Ann Woodall.

Note from the curator: Lovers of poetry and those of you who have enjoyed Poet’s Corner, please show your support by making a donation directly to the Bucks County Herald Foundation. As you probably know the Herald is a nonprofit owned by the foundation and relies on community support. The space dedicated to Poet’s Corner is space that would otherwise be used for advertising. Any amount of money will help make it possible to continue Poet’s Corner beyond mid-February. Donate at Be sure to mention Poet’s Corner.

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